A decision will be made on the Stadio della Roma “one way or the other” in the next 48 hours, says Movimento 5 Stelle leader Beppe Grillo.

The Giallorossi are looking to construct a new stadium in the Tor di Valle area of the city, but the project is meeting political resistance.

Mayor Virginia Raggi was due to meet with Giallorossi general manager Mauro Baldissoni today, but the meeting has been delayed until Friday.

A decision will be made on the Stadio della Roma “one way or the other” in the next 48 hours, says Movimento 5 Stelle leader Beppe Grillo.

The Giallorossi are looking to construct a new stadium in the Tor di Valle area of the city, but the project is meeting political resistance.

Mayor Virginia Raggi was due to meet with Giallorossi general manager Mauro Baldissoni today, but the meeting has been delayed until Friday.

“Raggi will make a statement in one or two days,” Grillo, leader of the mayor’s party M5S, told La Repubblica.

“Then this story with the stadium will be ended one way or the other.”

According to ANSA, if the proposal is rejected the Lupi could begin an entirely new project, though that would cost the club around €60m.

The news agency believes Roma could demand that from the municipality, setting up a potential legal battle.


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