‘Roma optimistic for stadium’

Mauro Baldissoni says Roma are “optimistic” about the future of the Stadio della Roma project.

The Giallorossi suffered a setback when the project in its current form was rejected, but a meeting is being held today to try and get things back on track.

“We’re optimistic, as always,” CEO Baldissoni told reporters outside the meeting.

Mauro Baldissoni says Roma are “optimistic” about the future of the Stadio della Roma project.

The Giallorossi suffered a setback when the project in its current form was rejected, but a meeting is being held today to try and get things back on track.

“We’re optimistic, as always,” CEO Baldissoni told reporters outside the meeting.

Part of the problem is the perceived opposition from the Movimento 5 Stelle party, but leader Paolo Ferrara says that’s not the case.

“The Movimento 5 Stelle party has never opposed the stadium. Today we’ll examine some issues. It’s an important meeting, after which we’ll see what to do.”

Proposed changes to the project include roads surrounding the stadium, constructing roundabouts, intersections, ramps and more parking spaces.