Roma on bonuses, sponsors, stadium

Bonuses, sponsors and the new stadium were all on the agenda at Roma shareholders’ meeting today.

The board of directors announced substantial changes to its line-up for the next three years, with CEO Claudio Fenucci and former President Thomas DiBenedetto leaving, and retired American footballer Mia Hamm one of those to join in place.

Questions from shareholders were also put to the board, with one suggesting that bonuses at the club were not necessary.

Bonuses, sponsors and the new stadium were all on the agenda at Roma shareholders’ meeting today.

The board of directors announced substantial changes to its line-up for the next three years, with CEO Claudio Fenucci and former President Thomas DiBenedetto leaving, and retired American footballer Mia Hamm one of those to join in place.

Questions from shareholders were also put to the board, with one suggesting that bonuses at the club were not necessary.

“Bonuses are included in every manager’s contract as they are with every player,” responded director general Mauro Baldissoni today.

“In fact, the growth of salaries just highlights the growth of the company.”

The topic of a potential new sponsor was also raised, with hints towards figures that suggest the deal signed with Nike is only worth six per cent of the one Manchester United have.

To this, Baldissoni replied: “Our commercial department is working with chief commercial cfficer Sean Barror and they are in talks with several companies. I think that we’ll have some news on the issue very soon.”

Shareholders also expressed concerns about the new stadium’s schedule but Baldissoni tried to reassure them by saying: “The ownership is following the project and the public approval has already happened.

“We will now enter the next stage, which takes six more months and then we hope that we can go on to the operating procedure. Finally, inquests on Tor di Valle’s acreage have nothing to do with us.”