‘Roma didn’t want to sell Dzeko’

Roma sporting director Monchi insists “all we did was evaluate” Chelsea’s offer for Edin Dzeko, as they never wanted to sell him.

The Bosnian striker had an offer to move to Stamford Bridge in January, but in the end only Emerson Palmieri made the switch to England.

“Chelsea’s offer was there, it’s true,” Monchi told Cadena Ser.

Roma sporting director Monchi insists “all we did was evaluate” Chelsea’s offer for Edin Dzeko, as they never wanted to sell him.

The Bosnian striker had an offer to move to Stamford Bridge in January, but in the end only Emerson Palmieri made the switch to England.

“Chelsea’s offer was there, it’s true,” Monchi told Cadena Ser.

“But it’s also true that all Roma did was listen to it, evaluate it and study it, and then, having an idea about what the player was thinking, the deal didn’t satisfy us.

“Edin is an important player for us who has given us so much in the past and who is giving us so much in the present.

“As I said, in Italy the sporting director must listen to offers, evaluate them, then accept or reject them.

“In this case the conditions weren’t there to satisfy all parties.”