Roma bring stadium face-scanning

Roma introduce new security measures at the Stadio Olimpico, including face-scanning technology.

The new protocols may rub some fans the wrong way, especially after last year's extended protests by the ultras over the new barriers inside the stadium.

Nevertheless the amendments approved by the city council are not a novelty, as they are already being employed in Spain and in Austria.

The cameras at the entrance of the Stadio Olimpico will now be equipped with biometric technology that will allow for face recognition.

Roma introduce new security measures at the Stadio Olimpico, including face-scanning technology.

The new protocols may rub some fans the wrong way, especially after last year's extended protests by the ultras over the new barriers inside the stadium.

Nevertheless the amendments approved by the city council are not a novelty, as they are already being employed in Spain and in Austria.

The cameras at the entrance of the Stadio Olimpico will now be equipped with biometric technology that will allow for face recognition.

This will be employed to cross-reference images of the fans from within the stadium, allowing the police to identify suspects more reliably in the event of security breaches.

The images will not be stored, and according to Italy's privacy laws they will be destroyed after a maximum of seven days unless an infraction has actually taken place.

The move signals a change of emphasis compared to the previous security policies, as authorities will now be more concerned with preventing security breaches than with punishing them.