‘Rodrigo could still join Napoli’

Rodrigo Moreno’s agent-father insists the Valencia forward could still join Napoli this summer, calling them ‘an excellent choice’.

Napoli President Aurelio De Laurentiis claimed Rodrigo had told him he preferred to stay in Spain, but Adalberto Machado was adamant the Partenopei remained an option for the 28-year-old.

Rodrigo Moreno’s agent-father insists the Valencia forward could still join Napoli this summer, calling them ‘an excellent choice’.

Napoli President Aurelio De Laurentiis claimed Rodrigo had told him he preferred to stay in Spain, but Adalberto Machado was adamant the Partenopei remained an option for the 28-year-old.

“A great team like the Azzurri would be an excellent choice for Rodrigo, even if he has a contract with Valencia,” Machado told Calciomercato.it.

“There needs to be an agreement between the clubs, and I don’t have any news at this time.

“I’ll only comment when there are signatures. Let time run its course…”