Rodgers: ‘Balotelli going nowhere’

Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers insists Mario Balotelli won’t leave – but agrees he should be paid more to work with him.

Inter Coach Roberto Mancini yesterday joked that working with Balotelli should entitle a Coach to extra pay, and Rodgers jokingly agreed, but insisted that Super Mario will remain at Anfield.

“Roberto knows him very well,” Rodgers said in a Press conference ahead of the match with Aston Villa.

Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers insists Mario Balotelli won’t leave – but agrees he should be paid more to work with him.

Inter Coach Roberto Mancini yesterday joked that working with Balotelli should entitle a Coach to extra pay, and Rodgers jokingly agreed, but insisted that Super Mario will remain at Anfield.

“Roberto knows him very well,” Rodgers said in a Press conference ahead of the match with Aston Villa.

“I think he said if you work with Mario you should be paid double… I agree with that!

“I will mention that to the owners. Joking aside, Mario is a good guy. He hasn’t scored as many goals as he would have liked, but we are determined to help him find a solution here.

“He won’t be going anywhere in January.”

The former Milan striker has been liked with a return to Serie A, with rumours indicating that Juventus declined the opportunity to sign him.