Robinho: ‘Milan love Brazilians’

Robinho has declared that his current period with Milan is the happiest of his six-year spell in European football.

Robinho has declared that his current period with Milan is the happiest of his six-year spell in European football.

The Brazilian gave a full and honest interview to Brazilian football website this week, during which he discussed various topics ranging from his departures from Real Madrid and Manchester City to his dedication to the Brazilian national team. The player began, though, with a glowing account of his current situation at San Siro and of the club’s love for Brazilian footballers.

“I feel at home in Milan. I’m going through a really good time. It is a club that loves Brazilians and treats us very well. I am adapting more and more, I am very happy here.

“In Madrid it was very good too. It is an excellent club and Spanish football is easier to adapt to for a Brazilian player. But there was jealousy during my time there for my trips abroad with Brazil.

“Here it is different, they treat us superbly. Even in Manchester it was good, but the field was very different. English football has a lot of strength and it is complicated for a Brazilian footballer to adapt to it. Even more so for one who plays up front like me.

“In Milan there are only good things. They love Brazilians and always speak well of those that have passed through here. There is this love, this openness from the beginning. I did not expect it was that good.

“To date, there has been much talk of Kaka, Serginho, Dida, Cafu, even of Ronaldo who made more history at Inter, he is highly regarded here. Now we are making our history.

“Of course, when a Brazilian player sits on the bench they get very upset still, but it is part of life, it is normal in football.”

The 27-year-old discussed how he feels he has developed as a footballer since arriving in Europe in 2005 and whether the perception that he has become a more tactical player is correct.

“I think I have changed the way I play. Today I prefer to shoot at goal than try a stepover. But without losing the joy, of course. That is something we must always have. European football has taught me to play more for the team and a little less for the individual.”

The player was asked if he had any regrets for past decisions made in his time with Real Madrid and Manchester City.

“In Madrid I wanted to leave for being dissatisfied with the club, which was not valuing me as I wanted at the time. But I ended up going to a club which is quite difficult to adapt to as a Brazilian.

“Even today if I was to ever leave [Milan] I do not know if I would choose City, with all due respect to the club. The question is more England itself, which is a country that is not so good for my football. I do not regret having left it.

“I do regret the way I left Madrid though, fighting. That was not good for my image, or towards the club. Now I am happy. In Milan, I play and have been helpful to the team. This is most important.”

The No 70 then left an interesting side-comment with regards his current happiness at San Siro.

“Of course, in football things change very fast. A guy might get two or three months on the bench and think ‘oh, I want to make la Seleção, I want to play’ and already they are thinking about returning to Brazil. For now though, I am happy.”

Robinho also took time to press home his commitment to the national team. With kind words for Ronaldinho, Kaka and Adriano, Robinho put himself amongst them in terms of experience he believes is still important for Brazil going forward.

With 90 caps to his name, the attacker also refused to rule out offering that experience to younger players at the Olympics next summer, which incidentally run into the middle of August and pre-season for Milan.

“Everything that is related to Brazil I am all for.  I think when a player is called he has to go, this is our country. You must have the will, joy and desire to play.

“I do not know the will of the Coach, if he wants to pick me. So I believe that for the Olympics, no. But I will prepare myself as if I am going to be called up. The Seleção is always important.”

Robinho finished the interview with a reflection on if he will ever be crowned the best in the world by FIFA.

“This will always be a dream, but it is not an obsession. If I am not the best in the world, I cannot feel frustrated by it. I will always work for myself and always want the best.

“If it happens, great. If not, I’ll continue playing my football. There are many players who have not won this award and are marked in history. It is a dream that I hope to accomplish.”