Ribery rescinds Salernitana contract and retires?

According to multiple reports in Italy, Franck Ribery could rescind his contract with Salernitana and announce his retirement from football.

The France winger joined the Granata on a free transfer last summer.

However, he has only played 12 games this season, delivering two assists.

He has been struggling with injuries and tested positive for COVID earlier in January.

According to Il Mattino newspaper and Tuttomercatoweb, the former France international could hang his boots before the end of the campaign.

The former Bayern Munich superstar is reportedly considering terminating his contract with Salernitana six months before its expiration and announcing his retirement.

No coincidence that Salernitana have been linked with signing former Roma winger Diego Perotti who is available as a free agent.

The Granata sit rock bottom in the Serie A table, but their new director of football Walter Sabatini has signed more than ten players in the January transfer window, hoping to boost the team’s hope of survival.