Report: Rome to have alcohol ban

It’s expected there will be a three day ban on alcohol on Rome’s streets next week, as well as special policed areas for Liverpool fans.

There are heightened tensions ahead of Roma’s Champions League second leg, as a Liverpool fan remains in a critical condition in hospital after an alleged assault by two Roman fans.

Italian police fear reprisals, while English fans are concerned for their own safety when they arrive in the capital next week.

It’s expected there will be a three day ban on alcohol on Rome’s streets next week, as well as special policed areas for Liverpool fans.

There are heightened tensions ahead of Roma’s Champions League second leg, as a Liverpool fan remains in a critical condition in hospital after an alleged assault by two Roman fans.

Italian police fear reprisals, while English fans are concerned for their own safety when they arrive in the capital next week.

Today the two clubs met with UEFA as well as the local police, with the Reds described it as “positive and productive”.

According to, a number of measures have been agreed, with the first a prohibition on the sale of alcohol.

The order, which could be signed today, would prohibit the sale, consumption and transport of alcohol in the streets, and would also apply to soft drinks in glass bottles.

Alcohol would still be allowed in bars, but this aims to stop fans of both teams simply buying cheap alcohol in supermarkets and drinking it in the streets.

There will also be special areas of the city for Liverpool fans, which will be heavily policed.

Italian police will be in contact with their British counterparts to track the movement of the fans they think are most at risk of hooliganism.