According to reports, Milan have today informed Stefano Pioli that he will be sacked and his final game will be against Salernitana on Saturday.

Calciomercato’s Milan reporter Daniele Longo maintains Pioli was told of the decision this afternoon, after agent Valerio Giuffrida visited the club HQ this morning.

The news had been in the air and hardly a surprise, as for weeks there has been endless speculation over who is going to be in charge for next season.

Paulo Fonseca is widely expected to be his replacement.

It does at least mean that the fans and players can give him a proper goodbye at San Siro in the last match of the campaign, having already secured second place.

Milan must work out Pioli details

Pioli is under contract until June 2025, so there are still some details to be worked out if he wishes to find another job this summer, or Milan must continue paying his salary.

The 58-year-old took the job in October 2019 when Marco Giampaolo was sacked and took the Rossoneri to an unexpected Scudetto victory in 2021-22.

He also helped them to the Champions League semi-final last season, but this disappointing campaign proved the final straw for his Milan career.

6 thought on “Report: Pioli informed he has been fired by Milan”
  1. Two years ago all Milan fans including the dude below were calling Pioli the coach of the year, now they saying he wasn’t any good, typical Milanista talk from both sides of their mouth

  2. What exactly do you expect us to say if this very Milan loses 6 straight fames in a row against your very Inter. The team is stagnating, Pioli has run his race…time for change. And don’t you guys have better things to worry about, it’s called Oaktree.

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