Report: Martinez agent to meet Napoli

Jackson Marinez’s agent will meet with Napoli sporting director Riccardo Bigon, reports in the Italian media have claimed.

Jackson Marinez’s agent will meet with Napoli sporting director Riccardo Bigon, reports in the Italian media have claimed.

The Gazzetta dello Sport believe that the 26-year-old’s representative will fly to Milan to have face-to-face discussions with the Partenopei chief later this week.

It is suggested that a deal between the goalscorer and the San Paolo side can be reached, but the two clubs are on different wavelengths all together when it comes to a price.

Porto want €40m for the Colombia international, whereas Rafa Benitez’s men want to part with only €30m.

Martinez has been a revelation in Portugal since signing for the Dragoes last summer. In his first full season of European football, the striker bagged 31 goals in 40 games.