Fabio Maresca will reportedly be stopped for at least two games after his performance in the controversial match between Roma and Milan, which ended in a 2-1 win for the Rossoneri.

SportMediaset reports the AIA was not pleased with Maresca’s performance in the big game between Jose Mourinho and Stefano Pioli at the Olimpico on Sunday.

Ref Watch: Italian papers highlight VAR and Maresca’s mistakes in Roma-Milan

The Italian papers highlighted the match official’s errors, especially for a penalty kick he didn’t award to the Giallorossi, as the 40-year-old referee found himself in the middle of a storm.

The many controversial decisions during the game when Zlatan Ibrahimovic scored his 400th goal in domestic leagues.

The Swede was brought down by Roger Ibanez in the second half and the Diavolo doubled their lead, before Stephan El Shaarawy reduced the deficit in stoppages.

Jose Mourinho stormed off after the game and said he wanted to avoid being banned, as he stopped the post-match interview before talking about Maresca.

VAR was criticised too, as they intervened at the wrong times, while the 10 cards, including a second yellow for Theo Hernandez, were part of the unconvincing evaluations, according to the broadcaster.

Fabio Maresca will reportedly be stopped for at least two games after his performance in the controversial match between Roma and Milan, which ended in a 2-1 win for the Rossoneri.

43 thought on “Report: Maresca stopped for two games after Roma vs. Milan”
  1. LOL, Too little too late, and the annoying Milanisti will still believe they won the game fair and square no matter what.

    I thought the Juventini were intolerable, turned out the Milanisti are even worse. Forza Napoli!

  2. Two games is to smaller for such mistakes given as this is not the first time maresca had been involved in such controversies. He should be banned for atleast 10 games so as to serve as deterrent to others because of too much errors.

  3. @ Juve FAN

    Milan need him? Haha sure. Milan was the team damaged by his decisions. As you can read in the article above the red card was a mistake and if he hadn’t done that there would be no other incidents to talk about. Milan would’ve probably scored more.

    Anyway, you don’t need to worry about Milan, but worry about your own team. In fact, you should worry about Verona and Empoli, your neighbors in the table.

  4. @Milan Fan

    He called a non-existent penalty for Milan and didn’t call Kjaer’s foul on Pellegrini, it was a penalty, and surely, it hurt Roma and worked in Milan’s favour.

    I don’t worry about Milan, I worry about how refs and VAR are doing them favours. Last season, Milan collected many points due to refs controversial calls.

    We have won 9 leagues in the last 10 years; even last season, we won the Coppa Italia. what have Milan achieved in the last ten years? Don’t tell me a super cup in penalties, which is nothing, especially when you where there because Juve won both titles and the loser of the Coppa final was called to play it vs the champion.

  5. The rude rube fans need to stop complaining. Milan were far better then Roma and this is coming from an Inter fan. Do not worry rubentini we shall defeat them this week as they have no Theo, a brick layer named Krunic and a dodgy GK. You will only be 16 points behind as Fiorentina will defeat you too.

    If I am not mistaken Rube were given the softest of all penalties against us but that is ok as you have farmer Max steering the ship.

    VAR has been the best thing to happen as for as Rube is concerned. More difficult to cheat and spring the offside trap.

  6. Milan fan. Yes Milan would have scored 10 goals against Roma. What a dreamer you are. You should thank Maresca for giving Milan a penalty gift . And that was really a Christmas present 🎁. If I were you I would shut my mouth.

  7. Why are Roma comlaining? They got dominated by MIlan. They need to start worry about their performance on the field not Var nor Referees. If you don’t agree with me then how in the world did they lose 6-1 to a team from Norway who coulnd’t even qualify for Europa League? Was it referee? No it is your incompetent coach, players, and fans who whistle at their own players for an average performance! Forza Milan!

  8. Well Well Well here’s another one super inter. Don’t you know that the higher you rise the harder you fall.

  9. Yes Roma were busy packing the bus and didn’t even get a shot on target.we outplayed before the red card.you should be glad because two goals were cancel wrongly,however without that idiotic red card you wouldn’t have even a single shot on target.karsdrop and zaniolo were also saved by the referee…..go back and train harder with your outdated coach.

  10. As for rebentus fan win champion league if u are that good.you spent money on big players to win champion league but yet nothing..thank your star’s that refree have been favoring you.if not rebentus are nothing without favourism.

  11. As far as Europe is concern Ac milan is the best Italian club.in fact Ac Milan are naturally ahead of any club in Italy…

  12. I thought this site was about football, not trolling one another. Good to see some good old traditional nonsense trash talk between Serie A ‘fans’, though! Keep on tripping.

  13. Relax Lupo take your medicine cabron, your team are like the Tottenham Hotspurs of Italy. They promise so much but always let you down. Worry more about the Real Madrid of Norway and then come back. They might beat you 8-1 this time and it is ok as the VAR will have robbed you again.

    I admit AC Milan are the greatest Italian club to achieved all that they have done in Europe. However that is in the past and we can only look to the future.

    Inter is the only club in the peninsula to have won the triplete.

    Rube 7/9 CL defeats including the old format.

    Roma 0

    Enough said.

  14. as a Milan fan we have been on the wrong end of decisions our selves, but mostly in europe it has to be said. I understand frustrations and although we benefited on the non penalty call, we would never have been in that position has the game been stopped just before theos was sent off for a blatant foul on krunic. Long story short, the ref had a very bad game with both teams having cause to complain with roma more so(i don’t agree that the first penalty was wrong, he clearly took him out with a wild challenge, the fact he got the ball after is irrelevant) The refereeing standard in italy is poor and var has been afraid to overturn decisions. Time to rethink how it is used, maybe a coach has 2 challenges per half?

    As per who deserved to win, i may be bias, but i don’t think any neutral would begrudge that milan deserved the win, we dominated when it was 11v11, and held out well when it was 10v11. I will happily admit you deserved the penalty at the end, and the ref’s blew it.

  15. It was a great game both sides played at great pace , was nice to see . Krunic was barged over from behind , a clear foul , and if called there would not have been any discussion of a penalty . The second yellow on Theo well that was just soft . Mistakes were made both ways no question .

  16. Yeah, Inter won the Treble when there was no competition in Italy. What an accomplishment.

    Don’t worry your pretty little head about this bad stretch for Juve. Look at the stars over our badge.

    Good Luck against Sheriff.

  17. Super inter here he goes again. I think you need to see a good doctor to give you a couple of pills to get your brain in order. I am convinced that you read a lot of inter thrush and what you read you write . You said that milan won some silverware. Yes that’s true. But whenever they won something all the world accused them of bribing the referee and that’s very ugly and shameful. Anyway I stop ✋ here

  18. Hey Little boy (Lupo) take the sleeping pills that Allegri uses on his team and get a good nights rest. Also you are very funny for posting twice in a row. It is like you cannot wait for the post to settle and you then have to talk to yourself again by posting straight after.

    Do not plagiarise the medicine jokes I made for you and invent your own content. Just like your team you are underperforming. Do not forget Mou loves us more then the club he manages now.

    Come back to me when we have two stars on the shirt in the summer ok boy.

    dangemouse, we won the CL beating Chelsea, Bayern and a great Barca. What have Rube done since 1996. I forgot losing to Ajax, Lyon and Porto.

    Do not worry about Sheriff. You worry about Vlahovic this Saturday and not being in the champions league next season. PS tell Bonucci to handcuff himself to Chiellini and Chiesa to start looking at bigger clubs now.

  19. Forza milan. I remember quite well when milan were doing badly in the league and the players were mocked and whistled by their supporters. So tutto il mondo e un paese.

  20. I dont see what the referee did wrong, I think he jad a great game. Im a Milanista and yes he made the right decision with Theo too.

    People need to stop crying so much

  21. Stupid Inter is on a roll. Well done, muppet. This particular board ABOUT ROMA v MILAN has been hijacked by you when Inter has nothing to do with it. 1 title in a decade for a 3 team league and he’s got his courage up, hehehe. Maybe “Pupi” can make it 2 in a row, but remember you do don’t Juventus LEGEND Antonio Conte to lead you this time. How rich is that? Mightly Inter needed a Juventus icon through and through to end your drought.

    Yeah, Juve have never beat Chelsea, Bayern, Barca, in the Champions League. Just Inter have…

    Got your own stadium yet or still begging the council to build you one?

    Vlahovic? who is he? If Chiellini put your boy Rom in his back pocket, he will do that and more to Vlahovic.

    Funny how you mentioned to Lupo about stars over the crest AFTER I wrote it to you first. Be original, clown. Notice how you can’t write that to me?

  22. Two goals disallowed for technological offsides, a red card after a clear foul on Krunic, a lot of fouls not punished with cards (Roma was foul after foul after foul and Maresca did not care to show yellows or reds, like Kalsdorp or Zaniolo for example), and you complain on a soft penalty? Similar to Juve penalty, yes, that does not mean that was a correct call ok?

    Roma was BADLY outplayed for almost 70 minutes, and a big mistake from Maresca put Roma back in the game. Please give me a f**** rest. Milan was around 70% of possession in the second half, Roma had zero shots on target until the red. Stop the non-sense please

  23. AC Milan dominated so it’s hard to believe the ref influenced the game at all. More than anything Theo shouldn’t have gotten a second yellow. That was the worst call of the game.

    It’s unfortunate such a dominating performance has to be overshadowed by the referee’s performance.

  24. @Lupo you forget that there is at least one game of Milan vs Roma in the other half of the season.
    You will see your sweet tooth Roma getting their lesson how to play football properly
    Pathetic team.
    Roma will never win anything until your last breath on earth. How about that

  25. @ Juve Fan(s)

    I believe when the media are talking about Refs. giving favors to any team in Italy, Juve fans should really be quite and not say a word about it.

    It`s clear when they don`t get any favors where in the table you would see them lol

  26. Dang! I got my popcorn too late. Best comment to my cousin superInter for the derby challenge, the reparte to the Juve commenter who got me dumbfounded like Allegri would, and still superInter was able to make his case for their penalty issue.

  27. Well, yeah, Milan played better most of the time, but Roma also had their good episodes, they did not gave up to the very last minute.

    And yet there were too many referee mistakes. The double standard is not okay. When VAR tells you there is no penalty and you check yourself and still give a penalty… You are the one who get punished.

  28. That is ok Lupo you found your medication. Well done.

    dangermouse as Allegri says “CALMA”. If you actually read the comments I made, it is clear despite being an Inter fan I praised the Rossoneri as they defeated Roma fair and square.

    Unlike the Rube fans I have respect for our cousins considering half my family support them. If you knew anything about Milanese it is a rivalry not like the one versus Rube. Any team that has 7 CL titles deserves respect. However we own that fixture and they know it.

    It is ok dangermouse to be angry. I would be too as the Rube squad is not that bad but you are being guided by a coach who still looks at the 1981 playback called Catenaccio for dummies.

  29. @Lupo: Thank You so much for writing on FI. –Since I don’t post here anymore, you are the only one who defends our club. I really appreciate it & I’m sure other Romanisti do as well! You are the best!

    @Celeste: You are spot on! Juve truly has horrible fans here, so it’s hard to believe that Milanisti are surpassing them. (Inter has Joe Schmoe & InterMan, but I actually adore their trolling as they balance the garbage from Milan.)
    Milanisti (,not counting Vero, Chris, Milanese, Garibaldi & some other classy Milan guys..,) show NO RESPECT. They are pathetic. Not a single neutral cheers for you anymore.
    You are arrogant BULLIES; For the last 10 years Milan was constantly beaten by teams with a fraction of your revenues, yet here you are daily exhibiting Diego Simeone gesticulation after only one good season.
    I’ve also never in my life seen bigger HYPOCRITES: In your eyes, a stonewall penalty for Milan instantly turns into a laughable farce if given to the other team.

    Fact is: When Napoli played in Rome, Abraham should have been red-carded TWICE, while Napoli was also denied a clear penalty.
    I honestly believe Milan would receive those calls in the same situation. Because of the hype surrounding their team, Milan has dethroned Juventus as the most favoured club in Serie A. I don’t care if your team is strong or plays good football –You’re still receiving more soft penalties than any five teams in Italian league COMBINED!!!
    Refs, judges, media (FI included), commentators on TV… treat Juve, Milan, Inter differently because of their large fanbase/ money/ power. Go against these three & you will lose your job. Sadly, Napoli will have to be better by at least a head & shoulders over “SL clubs” if they’re to compete with them this year.

  30. @a46 Brilliant, that made me laugh. Some of us still remember Muntari’s ghost goal.

    Some of this recent stuff might even matter if Milan weren’t by far and away the best team on the pitch. Mou has some work to do!

  31. My take on the game:
    1. Roma played on par with Milan until Ibra’s goal (which Rui gifted when he unnecessarily moved to the side that was already covered by his wall.)
    Milan then used Roma’s weak mentality & became the better team. They did not outplay Lupa completely as Roma still had their shots. (It ended 24-8 in Roma’s favour. It was 8-8 before the red.) –If you want to see a team TRULY MAULED, watch Liverpool-Milan. (…Or Bodo-Roma… LOL)
    2. Penalty was a joke. I prefer more physical football so for me that’s not even a 1 % of a penalty –never was, never will be, no matter which teams play. Ibanez clearly got the ball. The contact with Ibra that happened a millisecond before should be irrelevant. VAR agreed with me. I understand other people have different criteria, …but then stick to it & don’t whine when opponents are gifted 3 pens against you as well!
    3. Milan received a red card after idiocy from Theo. It is not Maresca’s fault that Krunic gave up the ball for a slight contact & that Theo then dived into that challenge like a moron.
    To be fair, Krunic just adjusted to Maresca’s criteria: Ref should have stayed true to his officiating & call for a weak foul on Rade (as he did throughout the game for every slightest contact on a Milan player.)
    4. Kjaer’s kick was not a penalty. –I’d be fuming if opposition received that call in the last minute of the match.
    BUT, seeing that Milan was gifted a weak penalty, then Roma should’ve received one as well!
    5. At the last whistle, Veretout’s kick should have earned him a red & a 5-match ban. –That was just pure malice. (Though I don’t understand why Milan’s trolls bring it up as it happened in the last second of the match & did not have any impact on the game.)
    6. Roma fans that were racially abusing Kessie & Ibra are even worse than this swarm of Milan trolls on FI.

    Overall, Milan was better. Leao was great. It’s quite embarrassing that Ibra outsprinted younger Mancini & Ibanez several times.
    Roma played at home against 10-men for almost 30 minutes & only truly pressed in the last 5. We did not deserve a draw –but man, would I slept like a baby knowing that some truly horrible people would rage at the last-minute draw!
    Ref was bad & inconsistent. VAR was great –it deemed all three situations weak: the Milan penalty, foul on Krunic, & Roma’s penalty claims. Good job, VAR!

  32. @ROMAntic, just go watch AtalantaMilan then comeback. Clearly you’re not watching enough Calcio recently and you’re not at you’re best. I don’t know if a Milanista has hurt you or what, but you seem like you have a personal issue. My advice is to maybe get some rest. Peace.

  33. @Milan Fan
    You know perfectly well I’m already taking a sabbatical from FI & a big part of it is because after recent Milan success an incredible amount of Milan trolls are bombarding this site. (The worst of people, that love to bully others only while their team is on the rise.)
    You guys are everywhere & bullying everyone away, even some of your own fans that were nice & respectful.
    It pains me to see there are 10 or 20 of you attacking 1 guy. I think about that guy… Is he strong mentally, will this affect his life? LIFE.
    When someone trolls one of you, destroys one of you with a witty reply, you still have your Brotherhood of Evil Milanisti swarm to make you feel good. –You are not alone.
    Troll me all you want, I deserve it as I’m also not pulling any punches… But coming to a Roma-Bodo LiveBlog stating that Roma is garbage & a mid-table Serie A club is uncalled for. Gloating after a win where the ref played a HUGE part & humiliating us with your comments when no one provoked you is disgusting. Have a look at Roma-Napoli LiveBlog where ref REALLY penalised Napoli (even stopped their unbeaten run) & see the reactions of their tifosi. Compare that with your reactions.
    You guys WON!!! You should just brush it off & smile.
    We are rightly agitated as WE LOST. Forget about the ref, our play was not good enough. Mourinho is our coach -YUCK! Monchi dismantled our beautiful CL team so that Inter (& now Milan) can surpass us.
    Our overreaction & exaggeration is reasonable. What’s your excuse to be mean?

    The hell should I re-watch a game where Atalanta scored two own goals? Dea got that penalty in 85th minute when it was already 0-3. In the end you won that game.
    –You are doing exactly what Juventini did all those years ago when they reasoned: “Remember that offside goal we received in our 4-1 victory? How about those two non-existent penalties we conceded in our 5-2 win?”
    I bet 3 months from now you will moan about your injuries from the beginning of the season even though you still WON ALL YOUR GAMES WITHOUT THOSE MISSING PLAYERS.

    If anything, you go & check Lazio-Roma game. Before Pedro’s goal there was a (weak by my standard) penalty on Zaniolo. Instead of a possible 1-1, it became 2-0. (Later Zaniolo did receive a laughable penalty, BUT!!! –Download that game in 1080p & you’ll see in one shot that there was a CONTACT on his leg.) Seeing you Milanisti trolls deem every contact a foul, you should acknowledge that not all teams receive the same treatment you get.

    That refs are giving you weak penalties is only annoying because afterwards you’re gloating about the wins & shaming other teams.
    Anyway Milan Fan, you have always been respectful towards me so thank you for that I guess.
    My advice to you & your pals is: You played Roma, we are now lagging far behind. Concentrate on your team, don’t come provoking under Roma posts using purposefully hurtful language.

    PS: I admit, Susy Campanale hurt me, that’s why I’m lashing out at Milan. HAHAHA!
    Seriously though, I’m lashing at biased Milanisti trolls, NOT Milanisti.
    Look at the respectful post LD wrote above or what Milanista Chris wrote after the game. How can you argue that? Then read what Kam & especially Ranajaya (post 3:20 AM) wrote under https://football-italia.net/ref-watch-italian-papers-highlight-var-and-marescas-mistakes-in-roma-milan/
    It makes your blood boil! –I’d love for Ranajaya to say that to my face in person.

    (My belief that the “Three Sisters” in Italy are privileged is backed up with facts. The recent SL fiasco adheres to it.
    I have also always claimed that similarly Roma & Napoli receive more favouritism compared to Lazio, Fiorentina & the rest.)

  34. I seriously wrote THIS MUCH??!!! This is freaking embarrassing. FI should have just censored it.
    (This is what happens when your team is being ruined by Mourinho… & then other key warriors are rubbing it in your wound…)

    I was too harsh on Milanisti. I didn’t make it clear that Juventus trolls are still far FAR worse (right, JuveIndia?) …but at least that has been a constant.
    Milan trashing only began last year & you are ruining my enyojment of not seeing Juve at the top as you basically just replaced their arrogance.
    (Of course Interisti also have their share of bullies–I’m sure “Super Inter” was unable to use that nick just a couple of years ago..! 😛)

    Anyway, my favourite commentators here are:
    Vero Rossonero (a Milanista)
    & Ferban (a Juventini).
    The KINDEST & just the SWEETEST OVERALL is InterFan75! 😄 That dude probably isn’t human, but a teddy bear that shoots hearts & rainbows when he speaks. –Absolutely love that guy!

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