Reports in Italy claim Daniele De Rossi has escaped sanction from UEFA for allegedly throwing a punch during Roma's match with Shakhtar last week.

Earlier today it emerged that Shakhtar had complained to UEFA that the Italy international had shown violent conduct towards Dmytro Chygrynskiy during a corner.

Roma's lawyer Antonio Conte revealed he had prepared a defence, noting that neither the referee nor his assistants had seen the incident and that it didn't feature in their match report.

Reports in Italy claim Daniele De Rossi has escaped sanction from UEFA for allegedly throwing a punch during Roma's match with Shakhtar last week.

Earlier today it emerged that Shakhtar had complained to UEFA that the Italy international had shown violent conduct towards Dmytro Chygrynskiy during a corner.

Roma's lawyer Antonio Conte revealed he had prepared a defence, noting that neither the referee nor his assistants had seen the incident and that it didn't feature in their match report.

Sky Italia sources claim that UEFA have decided not to suspend De Rossi. In that case he would be eligible to play in the second leg at the Donbas Arena on March 8.

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