Report: Cairo returns home

Torino President Urbano Cairo has reportedly returned to his home after having spent one week in hospital with coronavirus.

La Stampa reveals the Granata patron has left the San Paolo hospital in Milan, where he was admitted after having contracted COVID-19 with symptoms.

The newspaper reports the Torino owner feels quite well but will still be under observation and needs rest.

With Cairo in hospital, his team picked up their first win in Serie A against Genoa on Wednesday and climbed to 18th ahead of Serie A Week 7.

Torino President Urbano Cairo has reportedly returned to his home after having spent one week in hospital with coronavirus.

La Stampa reveals the Granata patron has left the San Paolo hospital in Milan, where he was admitted after having contracted COVID-19 with symptoms.

The newspaper reports the Torino owner feels quite well but will still be under observation and needs rest.

With Cairo in hospital, his team picked up their first win in Serie A against Genoa on Wednesday and climbed to 18th ahead of Serie A Week 7.