Renzi: ‘Ranieri should be honoured’

Prime Minister Matteo Renzi says “great Italian” Claudio Ranieri deserves an honour.

The Leicester City manager has led the Foxes to the English Premier League title, and could now receive an official honour.

“I’ll propose to [President of the Republic Sergio] Mattarella the idea of an honour for Claudio Ranieri,” Renzi told RTL.

“We have to pay homage to a great Italian who has shown that you must always believe.”

Prime Minister Matteo Renzi says “great Italian” Claudio Ranieri deserves an honour.

The Leicester City manager has led the Foxes to the English Premier League title, and could now receive an official honour.

“I’ll propose to [President of the Republic Sergio] Mattarella the idea of an honour for Claudio Ranieri,” Renzi told RTL.

“We have to pay homage to a great Italian who has shown that you must always believe.”

The Italian President can bestow “honours of the Republic” ranging from the Order of Merit for Labour to knighthoods and medals.

The President is the Head of State in Italy, but does not run the government, instead ensuring that Italian politics comply with the Constitution.