Renzi on Tavecchio racism row

Italy PM Matteo Renzi condemned Carlo Tavecchio’s racist comments, but warned he cannot intervene in the FIGC election.

Italy PM Matteo Renzi condemned Carlo Tavecchio’s racist comments, but warned he cannot intervene in the FIGC election.

Tavecchio is the front-runner to replace Giancarlo Abete as President of the Federation, but during a rambling speech on Friday used racist imagery when discussing the lack of a work permit system in Italy.

“We say that any old Opti Pobà can come here, before he was eating bananas, now he’s playing in the Lazio first XI,” said 71-year-old Tavecchio.

He later apologised and insisted he did not intend to offend, but there are growing calls – more from fans and players than the clubs or Lega Serie A, Serie B and Lega Pro – for him to step down.

It has also turned into a political issue with Renzi’s centre-left PD party urging Tavecchio to step aside, the centre-right Forza Italia (a party founded by Milan President Silvio Berlusconi) and far-right Lega Nord backing his candidacy.

“That expression on foreigners eating bananas is inexplicable,” Italy Prime Minister Renzi told L’Avvenire.

“In football terms, it’s an incredible own-goal. Having said that, the Government cannot decide on sporting Federation issues. We respect the autonomy of the sporting institutions.”

Undersecretary for the Foreign Office Benedetto Della Vedova also gave his view on Twitter.

“Politics is irrelevant here. But if after a season of racism in football they choose Tavecchio’s voice, then don’t complain if many of us fans like football less and less.”