Reja ‘can only apologise’

Edy Reja “can only apologise to the Lazio” data-scaytid=”30″>Lazio fans” for their humiliating 4-0 defeat at Siena. “We just weren’t there.”

Edy Reja “can only apologise to the Lazio fans” for their humiliating 4-0 defeat at Siena. “We just weren’t there.”

The Biancocelesti had previously been unbeaten away from home, but were crushed by the Tuscan minnows in their first game of 2012.

“This evening we just weren’t there,” confessed the Coach. “It was the worst performance in my entire Lazio career.

“I can only apologise to the Lazio fans and take full responsibility, because this is not the same team that played so well in the first part of the season.

“Albano Bizzarri’s red card did affect us a little, though we tried to fight back in the second half. The rest of the match can be chucked in the bin.

“We couldn’t wait for the game to end. We have to meditate on this defeat, because I cannot tolerate such an attitude. We played far too lightly.”

There was also tension towards the final whistle, as Giuseppe Sculli hurled abuse at Reja and other members of the bench when he was substituted.

“He said that he could’ve played another five minutes, but at that stage it wasn’t going to change much. I substituted him because he was too tense.”