Reina: ‘Juventus can win in April’

Pepe Reina laments “there’s only one favourite” for the Scudetto, and feels if Juventus maintain their form “they’ll win the league in April”.

The Bianconeri have an eight point advantage over the goalkeeper’s former side, Napoli, at the top of Serie A, and the Spaniard is worried there is no stopping them.

“I’m sorry to say that there’s only one favourite: Juventus,” Milan’s Reina confessed, speaking to Sky.

Pepe Reina laments “there’s only one favourite” for the Scudetto, and feels if Juventus maintain their form “they’ll win the league in April”.

The Bianconeri have an eight point advantage over the goalkeeper’s former side, Napoli, at the top of Serie A, and the Spaniard is worried there is no stopping them.

“I’m sorry to say that there’s only one favourite: Juventus,” Milan’s Reina confessed, speaking to Sky.

“Juventus are the anti-Juventus. If they’re in form they’ll win the league by April.”

Reina played in the Europa League last night, but he’s very much the backup to Gigio Donnarumma.

“When you're always used to playing in our career and you accept being the backup, it’s different.

“As a true professional, I give everything in training for myself and to make Gigio grow further, to make him even stronger.

“The time has come when he can be consistent, making as little mistakes as possible and wining points in the league. That’s his job and we’re all here to help him.

“We must never forget that he’s 19, even if he’s been in football for years, so we need balance when judging him.”

The goalkeeper has reunited with Gonzalo Higuain at San Siro, but the striker is struggling to score.

“He’s had some back problems,” Reina pointed out.

“When he’s fully fit, with the hunger I see from him every day, there will be no doubts, not even for the people who speak ill of him.

“He’s not just one of the best in Italy, but in the world. Now it’s up to him to show that on the pitch and help us to our objectives.”