Refs for Round of 16 ties

Brazilian Sandro Ricci will officiate Germany-Algeria, while American Mark Geiger is the referee for France-Nigeria.

FIFA announced the designations for the Round of 16 World Cup ties that will take place on Monday.

France and Nigeria will look to USA representative Geiger in Brasilia, kicking off at 17.00 UK time (16.00 GMT).

Germany and Algeria are officiated by local referee Ricci in Porto Alegre, starting at 21.00 UK time (20.00 GMT).

Brazilian Sandro Ricci will officiate Germany-Algeria, while American Mark Geiger is the referee for France-Nigeria.

FIFA announced the designations for the Round of 16 World Cup ties that will take place on Monday.

France and Nigeria will look to USA representative Geiger in Brasilia, kicking off at 17.00 UK time (16.00 GMT).

Germany and Algeria are officiated by local referee Ricci in Porto Alegre, starting at 21.00 UK time (20.00 GMT).