Raspadori: ‘Italy must create a consistent winning cycle’

Giacomo Raspadori reflected on the next steps for the Italian national team and their journey so far ahead of the Nations League clash with the Netherlands.

The Azzurri lost in painful fashion to Spain in their Nations League semi-final outing, falling 2-1 after a late goal from Joselu. Roberto Mancini’s side will now compete with the Netherlands in the third-place match.

Mancini’s future at the helm of the Italian national team has grown increasingly in doubt following the team’s failure to qualify for the 2022 World Cup, and the defeat to Spain did little to calm the waters.

Speaking to Sky Sports Italia, Raspadori first touched on the next steps for the Azzurri.

“We can and must give consistency to a winning cycle, with some disappointments…. The talent is there, the desire to get involved is there, it is up to us to do our best in the clubs to express ourselves at our best in the national team.”

He was asked what this Italy squad leaves as their legacy.

“Surely apart from having experienced the two contrasting moments: at the peak of happiness for the European Championship and the disappointment of not going to the World Cup.

“In between there is a lot of experience, many matches played, positive and negative situations to learn from.

“Within the group there are great people, for us younger players they are figureheads, values that we carry with us.”

The Napoli forward spoke about how it feels to represent Italy.

“I think it’s the biggest dream when you’re a child to wear the national team shirt. You try to enjoy it as best you can, giving joy to those in love with football.”

Speaking later in a press conference, Raspadori discussed where he likes to play on the pitch.

“By nature, I feel like a centre forward, so I prefer to play in that area of the pitch. Then I’m adapting to different roles, but I feel more comfortable in the central part. I have no problem saying that, even if I have Mancini here next to me.”