Ranieri: ‘Leicester were Cinderella’

Claudio Ranieri compares Leicester City to “a cinderella story” and believes “someone up there helped me”.

The former Roma and Inter Coach guided the Foxes to the English Premier League title last season, and was today inducted into the FIGC Hall of Fame for his achievement.

“We were aiming for 40 points at first, then we started to gain awareness of what we could do,” Ranieri explained to reporters.

Claudio Ranieri compares Leicester City to “a cinderella story” and believes “someone up there helped me”.

The former Roma and Inter Coach guided the Foxes to the English Premier League title last season, and was today inducted into the FIGC Hall of Fame for his achievement.

“We were aiming for 40 points at first, then we started to gain awareness of what we could do,” Ranieri explained to reporters.

“The ups-and-downs of other teams helped us. We were a Cinderella story, the bookies didn’t believe in us, for them it was more likely that aliens would land in Piccadilly or Elvis Presley would be found alive.

“Now I’m here thanks to my fantastic journey with the squad.

“I was never a star as a player, I had eight years with Catanzaro and then my story really began when Cagliari took me straight from Serie C to Serie A. I was a player from the amateurs.

“Someone up there has helped me, and I’m very proud to be here today.”