Raiola: ‘Milan problem is Mirabelli’

Mino Raiola claims director of sport Massimiliano Mirabelli “is the real problem at Milan and is using Gianluigi Donnarumma to attack me.”

The situation hit crisis point over the last 48 hours when ultras insulted the goalkeeper amid reports he and Raiola were trying to annul the contract signed this summer because it was penned under “psychological pressure.”

Mino Raiola claims director of sport Massimiliano Mirabelli “is the real problem at Milan and is using Gianluigi Donnarumma to attack me.”

The situation hit crisis point over the last 48 hours when ultras insulted the goalkeeper amid reports he and Raiola were trying to annul the contract signed this summer because it was penned under “psychological pressure.”

Mirabelli then gave an interview implying Raiola was the “showman” and the cause of “the rot” between Donnarumma and Milan.

This evening, the agent sent a lengthy statement to La Gazzetta dello Sport.

“Mirabelli has a personal problem with me and uses Gigio Donnarumma to attack me. I won’t make a media circus out of it, nor do I want it to affect Gigio.

“I will reply to Mirabelli in the appropriate settings and at the right time. Gigio has nothing to do with this, he did nothing wrong, so it’s not right to use him in order to wage war on me.

“It is evident to everyone that the problem at Milan is not Gigio, let alone (his brother and third-choice goalkeeper) Antonio. Strangely, neither Mirabelli nor the club commented on the banner that appeared yesterday in the stadium.

“We never imposed that Milan had to sign Antonio. It was a technical choice made by Mirabelli, who now ought to at the very least defend it.

“I want to remind you that this summer there were economic and professional offers for Gigio that no player would’ve rejected. But Gigio and his family made their choice with the heart. And I respected that choice.

“What interests me now is that Gigio is left in peace so he can do his best. That also ought to be the priority for the Milan director of sport. If that is not the case, then it ought to be priority of the Milan owners or whoever represents them.

“This controversy suits Mirabelli, because it takes attention away from the real Milan problem: his technical project. I have nothing against Milan, in fact I care for the club and wish it success. I want to remind you that I have four players in the first team and it is in my interests for my clients to achieve important results.

“It is also important for Italian football that Milan become protagonists again in Italy and on the international scene. Now Gennaro Gattuso has arrived, someone I am fond of and have respect for, who I wish all the best.

“I read many false and absurd things that it’s pointless to even comment on or deny. I never spoke about contract issues in public and I won’t do it now.

“I have for some time established a channel of communication with (CEO Marco) Fassone, who I also met with recently. If there were problems and if it was necessary, I would meet with Fassone and we’d seek solutions.

“That’s not just true for Gigio or Antonio, but for any other player of mine.”