Rafinha: ‘Thought I’d stay at Inter’

Rafinha admits “I was really convinced that with qualification for the Champions League I’d have stayed” at Inter.

The midfielder joined the Nerazzurri on loan from Barcelona in January, with a buyout clause of €35m inserted in the deal.

However, while the club is keen to make the move permanent, they can’t afford that fee before the clause expires.

“Inter was a spectacular experience,” Rafinha told Lancenet.

Rafinha admits “I was really convinced that with qualification for the Champions League I’d have stayed” at Inter.

The midfielder joined the Nerazzurri on loan from Barcelona in January, with a buyout clause of €35m inserted in the deal.

However, while the club is keen to make the move permanent, they can’t afford that fee before the clause expires.

“Inter was a spectacular experience,” Rafinha told Lancenet.

“It was a style of football and a language I didn’t know. It was important for me to get back to playing as many games as possible after my injury. I knew my ability to adapt quickly would be important.

“Thanks to my teammates and the Nerazzurri fans, I was very well received and I regained my confidence in playing my style of football.

“I had a great time at Inter and I was thinking of staying. I was really convinced that with qualification for the Champions League I’d have stayed, but it didn’t happen.

“Football is still a business and sometimes people’s wishes aren’t fulfilled. Right now I’m a Barcelona player.

“I still haven’t met with the club, but in my head I have the idea of presenting myself for pre-season training on July 11 and then we’ll see.

“I’m ready for anything.”