Milan star Rafael Leao hit back at criticism from pundit Paolo Di Canio by publishing a photograph of the former Lazio player performing a fascist salute.

The statement was presented with no further comment required on the Portuguese talent’s social media account on X, formerly known as Twitter.

It was a response to Di Canio being extremely critical of Rafael Leao in his role on Sky Sport Italia as a pundit following the 2-2 Serie A draw between Milan and Lazio on Sunday.

No doubt reading or even watching the coverage, Leao gave a response today on social media with an image of what he considers to be far more of a ‘disgrace’ than what Di Canio accused him of doing.

Rafael Leao highlights Di Canio past ‘disgrace’

Di Canio never hid his political views and at Lazio was an ally to the furthest of the Far Right reaches in the fanbase.

Speaking to the Corriere della Sera in 2017, the former West Ham United player insisted he had “regrets” over the fascist salute pictured here after a Rome derby and the ‘Dux’ tattoo, which references WWII Fascist Italian leader Benito Mussolini.

“It is what I regret the most. I carry with me the symbols of what I was and what I did, including my errors, but I have never been racist.”

8 thought on “Rafael Leao humiliates Di Canio with fascist image after harsh criticism”
  1. Eeerm you realise there is a difference here: Di Canio affected himself.

    Leao and Theo disrespected their teammates and coach. There is difference

  2. He humiliated Di Canio? That’s a bit rich. No comment about the weakness of Leao. About his disrespect of his team mates, coach, fans, the club? Nothing about Leao retweeting an account called “cardinale porco”?

  3. I don’t understand how Di Canio thinks he can separate fascism under Mussolini and racism. Senseless.

    The messengers political leanings do, however, in no way disqualify the message and analysis. Di Canio may be a political novice, misguided and lost on murky waters, but I wouldn’t ask Paolo for political advice any more than o would ask Alessandra Mussolini about football…

  4. Leap is the Portuguese Balotelli. Rich in skill. Poor in mentality and this will eventually catch up with him. I believe So Canio clarified his salute as being the Roman salute during his time playing. Regardless of his political views he was a baller and not a lazy whinger like Leap. This is another example of entitlement by youth these days. Both Leap and Hernandez know what they did in defiance and that was an open disrespect of their team and team mates. I think it will get uglier herein.

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