President Zhang: ‘Optimistic for Inter future’

Inter President Steven Zhang assures ‘losing or winning is part of football, but reaching the Europa League Final leaves us optimistic for the future.’

This was the Nerazzurri’s first major European Final in a decade and they had taken the lead early on in Cologne before losing 3-2 to Sevilla.

Inter President Steven Zhang assures ‘losing or winning is part of football, but reaching the Europa League Final leaves us optimistic for the future.’

This was the Nerazzurri’s first major European Final in a decade and they had taken the lead early on in Cologne before losing 3-2 to Sevilla.

“First of all, I have to thank all the workers in the world who have enabled us to continue the sport and keep life going for all these months. I would like to dedicate this match to them and their efforts,” President Zhang told Sky Sport Italia.

The heir to the Suning fortune was asked how he saw the overall Inter campaign.

“If you look back over the whole season, I think it has been quite positive. We reached the Final and came close to winning it. A couple of years ago, we could not have imagined that.

“Losing or winning is part of football, but reaching the Final, competing and giving our all, it leaves us optimistic for the future.”

Much has been said about coach Antonio Conte’s position after some harsh words against the club.

“Now everyone will have some well-deserved rest for a couple of days, then over the coming days and weeks, we’ll think about the future. Our mentality and our objective won’t change, we want to keep improving. That is a great part of the competition, always trying to give our best and hoping to do better in future.

“The coach, staff and players are all doing a great job. We’ll plan for the future soon.”