Prandelli on Twitter, Balo & Rossi

Cesare Prandelli has revealed that the players in the squad for the World Cup will be allowed to use Twitter during their time in Brazil.

The use of social networking has been a controversial issue for some national teams, but the Italian Coach has claimed that the Azzurri will not be barred from using Twitter whilst the tournament is on.

Cesare Prandelli has revealed that the players in the squad for the World Cup will be allowed to use Twitter during their time in Brazil.

The use of social networking has been a controversial issue for some national teams, but the Italian Coach has claimed that the Azzurri will not be barred from using Twitter whilst the tournament is on.

“We’ve decided to give the players the maximum amount of freedom so they can express themselves,” he told a Press conference.

“The boys will have the freedom to talk with the fans should they wish.”

The tactician then commented on the racist abuse Mario Balotelli recently suffered, and Giuseppe Rossi’s comeback from injury

“It is unacceptable for anyone to offend someone else because of the colour of their skin. The other day, 99 per cent of people applauded Mario.

“We have had no doubts though that Florence would respond with solidarity.

“In Giuseppe I’ve seen a guy who is making tremendous sacrifices. That’s the message that I want to send to all the players.”