Sampdoria sporting director Daniele Prade hails his side’s 2017 and warns the Blucerchiati can only improve.

The Marassi side finish the year in sixth place in Serie A, although yesterday’s 2-0 win over SPAL was their first League victory in six matches.

Despite this, Prade is convinced the club have established an excellent foundation from which to move forward.

“It has been an important 2017, with a prepared coaching staff and a group of boys who always give everything,” the official began.

Sampdoria sporting director Daniele Prade hails his side’s 2017 and warns the Blucerchiati can only improve.

The Marassi side finish the year in sixth place in Serie A, although yesterday’s 2-0 win over SPAL was their first League victory in six matches.

Despite this, Prade is convinced the club have established an excellent foundation from which to move forward.

“It has been an important 2017, with a prepared coaching staff and a group of boys who always give everything,” the official began.

“2017 has given us the opportunity to have an identity. We are a team to be feared and we go out to compete against anyone on any pitch.

"We can only get better and in the long term work pays off.”

Prade also discussed the upcoming transfer market but admitted it will be difficult to bring in new recruits.

“If anyone leaves it will be those who play less.

“In terms of arrivals, it won’t be easy to bring anyone in – this is also due to the way the boss works.”

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