The Portuguese Primeira Liga is set to overtake Serie A in UEFA’s League co-efficient ranking system.

The Portuguese Primeira Liga is set to overtake Serie A in UEFA’s League co-efficient ranking system.

This was confirmed after Juventus” data-scaytid=”5″>Juventus were beaten by Benfica in the Europa League semi-finals last night.

Italy’s top flight will now drop to fifth place in the standings, behind the Leagues in England, Spain, Germany and now Portugal.

The drop in ranking will not be as serious as when Serie A dropped below the Bundesliga and subsequently lost a place in the Champions League for one if its teams.

Neither will Serie A be overtaken by the French or Russian Leagues any time soon, despite the fact they are now the two Leagues ranked immediately behind.

Nevertheless, the news comes as another blow to Italian domestic football, which faces a long road ahead if it is to win back its fourth Champions League qualifying place.

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