Pogba’s brother Mathias released from prison

Paul Pogba’s brother Mathias has been released from prison, his lawyer confirmed.

Mathias had been arrested along with three more people in September with regard to the alleged extortion plot against Juventus star Paul.

The former Manchester United midfielder went to Police in both France and Italy after he received threats and attempts at extortion.

Now, Mathias’s lawyer Yassine Bouzrou has confirmed to Le Parisien and BFMTV in France that his client has been released from prison.

Mathias had published several videos where he said he would make ‘explosive revelations’ about his brother, including that he had hired a witch doctor to put a spell on his compatriot Kylian Mbappé.

Pogba has denied allegations and told investigators in France that, this past March, he was trapped by childhood friends and other hooded people with assault rifles. The gang allegedly demanded €13m from him and allegedly stole €300,000 and a credit card.

Mathias posted several automated tweets after he was arrested on September 14 with new allegations against his brother.