Paul Pogba explains why he so desperately wanted to return to Juventus after Manchester United. ‘This club gave me the opportunity to be Pogba. I want to rediscover my joy of playing football.’

The midfielder famously had joined Juve as a free agent from Manchester United in 2012, was sold to the Old Trafford club for €105m plus bonuses in 2016 and incredibly came back again for free.

He had been offered far higher wages at different clubs, but the France international confessed that bond with the Old Lady was never really broken.

“Home Sweet Home! I feel great, it’s an atmosphere I cannot define, but I am very happy and impatient to be back in the Bianconeri jersey again,” said Pogba on the official Juventus Twitch channel.

His comments felt like a swipe at Manchester United, their fans and the media around the Premier League, who often treated him as a scapegoat for the club’s wider problems.

“I want to rediscover my joy of playing football. I spoke to Allegri, Dybala, Cuadrado, Agnelli and Nedved, so I was always really in contact with all of Juve.

“My heart decided for me and I am sure that I made the right decision. This jersey is everything for me, Juventus gave me the opportunity to be Pogba. Now I want to give back that joy, bringing trophies to a club that deserves only to win.”

The 29-year-old will wear the Number 10 jersey during his second stint in Turin, inheriting the shirt from his friend Dybala, who has left as a free agent this summer.

“I take the number that I had left to a friend like Paulo and I am very happy to get it back. I tell the fans I am back home and I am happy. It’s time! I’ll be even happier when we bring the Scudetto home too.”

10 thought on “Pogba seeks ‘joy of playing football’ at Juventus after Man Utd”
  1. Pogba, the reason the United dressing room was cliquey and toxic. I’m soooo happy he has left, I would have driven to Turin myself.

  2. He can seek the joy of playing 1 Mbps Champagne Calcio under the god father of back, back, down, down, make sure to defend the trenches for 89 mins.

  3. Please refresh my memory but didn’t he said that his four years spell in Turin was a holiday when he went back to Man U (Pogback v.1.0)? Because I remember some of my mates who are Juve fans didn’t take lightly to those comments lol

  4. @L.A.

    How much time do you spend spreading your toxic wokeness in every F-I article featuring Juventus?

    Freedom of speech does not equal freedom from responsibilty. Please stop abusing the comments section by writing nonsense.

    Pogba chose to return under Allegri because of the rapport and also probably because he realizes that the kind of patient build up play that Allegri prefers is actually ideally suited to his talents and abilities. As the fulcrum of the team in the upper middle of the park, Pogba can be extremely effective. It’s worth nothing that even though Allegri is often criticized for his typically Italian style of football, Pogba thrived during his time under Allegri previously – it’s no surprise that he scored more than a few absolute crackers from outside the box.

    It’s perfectly fine if some people prefer the kind of frantic box to box style football that dominates more physical leagues like the EPL, but there are other ways to play football too. Perhaps some people just want everybody to play football the same exact style. If so, such people should message the managers and club owners or go become one themselves since they know better than a manager who has won a record 5 titles in a row.

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