Pogba requests counter-analysis after failed doping test

Paul Pogba has reportedly requested a counter-analysis after failing a random drug test due to elevated levels of testosterone.

The 30-year-old French midfielder tested positive for higher than usual levels of testosterone following Juventus’ win over Udinese on August 20. 

He has been given a preventive suspension from the Anti-Doping Tribunal and has reportedly been suspended without pay by Juventus.

Calciomercato.com details how Pogba has now requested for his positive test to be counter-analysed, keen to try and prove his innocence.

The results are expected within the next seven days, which’ll send the Frenchman down one of two paths.

Should the test return negative, he’d be able to return to football, but should it return positive then he’d have to present a defence to the Anti-Doping Tribunal.

If it turns out that Pogba was genuinely unaware of his actions – possibly due to supplements given by a private US doctor – then he risks a ban of up to two years.

Should the 30-year-old ultimately be handed a ban, Juventus would try to negotiate a contract termination.