Pogba breaks silence after four-year doping ban

A ‘heartbroken’ Paul Pogba has broken silence after a four-year doping ban was confirmed on Thursday: ‘I would never do anything to enhance my performance’ and ‘I will appeal this before the Court of Arbitration for Sport.’

Pogba reacted to a four-year ban from the Italian anti-doping tribunal with an official statement published on his official Instagram account on Thursday.

“I have today been informed of the Tribunale Nazionale Antidoping’s decision and believe that the verdict is incorrect,” he said.

“I am sad, shocked and heartbroken that everything I have built in my professional playing career has been taken away from me.

“When I am free of legal restrictions the full story will become clear, but I have never knowingly or deliberately taken any supplements that violate anti-doping regulations.

“As a professional athlete I would never do anything to enhance my performance by using banned substances and have never disrespected or cheated fellow athletes and supporters of any of the teams I have played for, or against.

“As a consequence of the decision announced today I will appeal this before the Court of Arbitration for Sport.”

Pogba failed a doping test on August 20, 2023, after an away Serie A game at Udinese, which he had entirely spent on the bench.

DHEA, which can raise the level of testosterone, was found in Pogba’s body and a second sample also tested positive in October.

Pogba had been precautionarily suspended by the anti-doping prosecutor in September 2023 and, consequently by Juventus as well. This means Pogba hasn’t trained with the rest of his teammates for five months, receiving €2,400 per month, the minimum fee provided by the collective agreement between clubs and the Footballers’ Association for a player suspended for doping.

On paper, Juventus can already terminate his contract, but will first talk to the player’s entourage and may not take any decision until June.

The Serie A giants are not expected to release a statement today.