Pogba anti-doping hearing set for January 18

Juventus midfielder Paul Pogba has been told his hearing at the anti-doping tribunal will be held on January 18 after the request was made for a four-year ban.

It will begin at the National Anti-Doping Commission on January 18 at 14.30 local time, 13.30 GMT.

The France international failed a standard Serie A doping test ahead of the match against Udinese on August 20, which showed up traces of a DHEA metabolite that can raise testosterone levels.

After the B sample showed the same results and his version of events was considered an unsatisfactory explanation for the raised levels, the anti-doping commission requested a four-year ban.

That is currently only a request and this hearing is to give a verdict and state the length of the ban.

It has been rumoured, but not confirmed, that the banned substance was included inside a vitamin integrator that he took in the United States over the summer when recovering from a knee injury.

Juventus have said they will wait until all the levels of appeal are completed before deciding what to do about Pogba, which could include terminating his contract.