Platini: TV replays bad for game

UEFA President Michel Platini has laughed off Juventus–Roma” data-scaytid=”3″>Juventus-Roma controversy, but is sternly against television replays assisting match officials.

The fall-out from the match in Turin has seen the debate over assisting referees with slow-motion replays reach a new height, with FIGC President Carlo Tavecchio contacting FIFA on the point.

UEFA President Michel Platini has laughed off Juventus-Roma controversy, but is sternly against television replays assisting match officials.

The fall-out from the match in Turin has seen the debate over assisting referees with slow-motion replays reach a new height, with FIGC President Carlo Tavecchio contacting FIFA on the point.

However, for UEFA’s chief, the controversy from Week 6’s match must be taken in context.

“It’s the same old story that Juve are always favoured, or that whoever wins is because they are favoured by referees. It’s always been like this,” Platini is quoted as saying by ANSA.

“I did not even see Juventus-Roma, neither have I seen the images of the [Bonucci] goal. I've heard a lot of things about it, but it’s always the same.

“Of course I remember those challenges [involving Juve]. The title was between two fine teams, but we did not need the referee to win.”

The Euro 1984 champion also touched on the ‘evils’ that slow-motion video replays would bring about if they were ever introduced into football.​

“Of all the evils, slow motion replays in football would be a disaster. All this would stem the flow of the game, so it wouldn’t be a good thing for its future,” Platini added.

“Nonetheless, it’s the International Board’s decision – not Tavecchio’s, nor mine. But I hope that no-one ever introduces it for the sake of football.”