Pirlo out for three weeks

Juventus will be without Andrea Pirlo for the Champions League return with Borussia Dortmund, as he’s out for three weeks.

The Italian international was subsituted during the 2-1 win over the German side on Tuesday with a calf injury and was assessed this morning.

“The tests showed first degree strain of both medial heads in the right leg,” The Bianconeri confirmed on their official website.

“The prognosis for a complete recovery is 20 days.”

Juventus will be without Andrea Pirlo for the Champions League return with Borussia Dortmund, as he’s out for three weeks.

The Italian international was subsituted during the 2-1 win over the German side on Tuesday with a calf injury and was assessed this morning.

“The tests showed first degree strain of both medial heads in the right leg,” The Bianconeri confirmed on their official website.

“The prognosis for a complete recovery is 20 days.”

A first degree strain causes pain, but involves only micro-tearing of the fibres in the muscle, meaning that Pirlo will recover in three weeks, rather than several months.

The return leg with Dortmund takes place on March 18, two weeks on Wednesday.