Stefano Pioli tells Bologna it’s make or break time in their relegation derby with bottom of the table Cesena.

“I am serious when I say there are some very heavy points at stake tomorrow,” said the Coach.

“I am certain my team will step on to the field with the right grit and temperament to bring home the game, but we’ll be facing an equally-motivated Cesena who in my view have good technical qualities.”

Stefano Pioli tells Bologna it’s make or break time in their relegation derby with bottom of the table Cesena.

“I am serious when I say there are some very heavy points at stake tomorrow,” said the Coach.

“I am certain my team will step on to the field with the right grit and temperament to bring home the game, but we’ll be facing an equally-motivated Cesena who in my view have good technical qualities.”

Both clubs fired their tacticians this season to bring in newcomers and so far Pioli has revived Bologna’s fortunes.

“I am satisfied with the work we have done in the past 14 days, as nobody relaxed during training. However, to bring home the three points we need the lads to maintain a vigil and consistent mental attitude throughout.”


Bologna squad: Agliardi, Gillet; Antonsson, Cherubin, Garics, Loria, Morleo, Portanova, Raggi; Casarini, Kone, Krhin, Mudingayi, Perez, Pulzetti; Acquafresca, Di Vaio, Diamanti, Gimenez, Paponi, Ramirez

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