Pioli: ‘Milan present is what’s important’

Stefano Pioli reiterated how much he loves this Milan squad after their comeback to beat Juventus, but ‘the present is too important for me to waste energy thinking about the future.’

The Rossoneri are proving to be the balance in this Scudetto race, as they beat second-placed Lazio 3-0 and this evening came back from 2-0 down to beat the leaders 4-2.

Stefano Pioli reiterated how much he loves this Milan squad after their comeback to beat Juventus, but ‘the present is too important for me to waste energy thinking about the future.’

The Rossoneri are proving to be the balance in this Scudetto race, as they beat second-placed Lazio 3-0 and this evening came back from 2-0 down to beat the leaders 4-2.

“All the praise goes to my players, as they are showing an incredible mentality and spirit. Even during difficult times, they are eager to stick together and keep believing, so they were rewarded with this great victory,” the coach told DAZN.

“It’s the work we’ve been doing every day at Milanello. We knew that until recently the table did not reflect our quality, so we isolated ourselves, focused on working and doing what we were capable of.

“Now I know that I can count on everyone who comes on, they all know what they have to do. It’s an unusual season, we’ve got Napoli up next, so we take the satisfaction of this victory, but also look forward to the next test.

“We can do better, we know that if we are slightly off in concentration, determination or spirit, we pay a heavy price. We already paid a price this season, we’re done making those mistakes.

“We did well to make the most of the penalty and regain our enthusiasm. It’s a shame on the goals we conceded, because we could’ve defended those much better, but it was otherwise a very balanced game up until that point.

“The mentality of this team is making the difference right now and it’s something we must continue to fuel.”

It must be strange for Pioli to be doing so well, knowing Ralf Rangnick has already been contacted to take his job next season.

“I am not remotely thinking about August 3 or the future. I am thinking of the next game, of working with these players who are giving me such satisfaction.

“We have become a team, because we know each other now, we know our strengths and weaknesses. I am so happy here, proud and eager to end this season on a high. I don’t know what the future will bring, we’ll see when that moment comes.

“What I expect is to end the season well, to achieve the objective we were tasked with achieving. There have been some tough moments, but I love what I do, I love to find a team that I get along with and this the case here. We’ll see what happens after August 3, but I am not thinking about my future, because what’s happening in the present is too important to waste energy thinking about situations that aren’t up to me.

“Anything can still happen, so the praise is nice, but we have to stay focused and be ready for what is coming our way, because they are all tough games coming up.”