Stefano Pioli was confident that Milan could end their run of poor form against Torino and confirmed that it was partly his choice not to sign a new goalkeeper in January.

Things have been difficult for the Rossoneri in the early stages of the new year; the team have not picked up a win since their 2-1 victory over Salernitana on January 4 and have last their last five games across all competitions, including a 4-0 loss to Lazio, a 5-2 loss at home to Sassuolo and two Derby della Madonnina defeats.

Speaking in a press conference, Pioli first discussed veteran forward Zlatan Ibrahimovic and how he can help the team.

“He’s better, his autonomy is almost nil because he’s had half a training session and today’s training session.

“His role is that of a great motivator and a great player. Tomorrow he will be with us because he wants to be with us.”

He spoke about star forward Rafael Leao and how he’s doing.

“Leao is important for me and for the team. He’s back from the World Cup, he had to play very well in Salerno and then lost a bit of brilliance.

“He’s fine, he’s much happier when he’s playing, I see him very motivated and very focused.”

The Milan coach was asked if he regretted not putting Ibrahimovic in the Champions League squad.

“There are no regrets and he has none either. His guarantee is too limited. Everyone says in a month maybe he will be ready? I can control my choices and what my players do.”

Pioli touched on the criticism aimed at him from Arrigo Sacchi.

“I have made my evaluations. We lack building up from the back and a more solid defensive phase.

“Criticism? When one coaches Milan criticism or praise is always exaggerated, so I accept anything.

“The Milan coach has to win and I’m not succeeding at the moment, but it’s not a question of denying a path, but of making the evaluations that have to be made.”

He commented on Milan’s poor recent record against Torino.

“They are a troublesome team, they cause difficulties by pressing all over the pitch. We have to move a lot and well, that’s why we have to do something different compared to the last two games.”

The Rossoneri coach was asked about the conditions of Mike Maignan, Ismael Bennacer and Fikayo Tomori.

“Maignan’s recovery is progressing well, he has resumed work on the pitch even if not with the team, the scar is working well. I don’t know when he will be back.

“Bennacer and Tomori have been given to me to work with the squad since Sunday, so I hope they will be available in the Champions League.”

Pioli spoke about what formation he’d use against Torino.

“Every game has a different preparation, so we’ll have different positions tomorrow. In the derby we agreed to stay a bit deeper, but we lacked strong pressure on the opponent’s ball possessor and our possession. Negative first half, better in the second half.”

He spoke about his own emotions amidst this drop in form.

“I’m very focused and very motivated, I know who I’m dealing with and I remain very positive. I’ve never lacked confidence in myself and in my players.

“We started out to win the league and we won’t succeed, from tomorrow another one starts to get into the top four. We did one thing wrong, thinking too much about the next one. The season doesn’t end tomorrow.”

Pioli touched on the condition of Theo Hernandez.

“He’s a bit like Leao. He came back from the World Cup, and I didn’t want to play him in Salerno, but he had to play. He had a physiological drop, but he’s fine and wants to prove his worth.”

He was asked why Milan didn’t sign a new goalkeeper in the January transfer window.

“The choice was mine and that of the technical area. We have faith in Tatarusanu and we think that Maignan could return soon.”

The Milan coach explained why the new signings haven’t featured much this season.

“Because they are young and talented guys, but because everyone forgets that Kalulu took two years, Leao was criticised for months.

“All are talented guys, the club did not make a mistake in getting them. Right now, a coach is a bit more careful to get players who are a bit more solid and have a bit of knowledge and attendance.”

He spoke about what he expects from Torino.

“Closed closed no, they try to dirty the dribbles from the start. We’ve reviewed the matches. There will be a lot of duels and a lot of second balls, so we’ll need a lot of organisations and a lot of desire to go and retrieve the ball.”

Finally, Pioli discussed what kind of football he wants Milan to implement.

“We want to propose attacking football, immediate ball recovery and pressure. That’s what we want to be and that’s what we have to be.”

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