Pioli: ‘Ibra sorry for red card’

Stefano Pioli insists Zlatan Ibrahimovic ‘is not a racist’ and warns his Milan side about Bologna.

The Rossoneri face Sinisa Mihajlovic’s side at the Dall’Ara on Saturday.

"We don’t have to look back, but only forward. Let’s think about the next game which will be difficult. Bologna play an intense football, we’ll need a great performance to win,” Pioli said at a press conference.

Stefano Pioli insists Zlatan Ibrahimovic ‘is not a racist’ and warns his Milan side about Bologna.

The Rossoneri face Sinisa Mihajlovic’s side at the Dall’Ara on Saturday.

"We don’t have to look back, but only forward. Let’s think about the next game which will be difficult. Bologna play an intense football, we’ll need a great performance to win,” Pioli said at a press conference.

“We have 18 points more than last season, there was a gap of 16-17 points with Juve and Inter and now we are working to make this gap even thinner, the first seven clubs are really strong.

“We must not think about what happens outside, we must work and improve and reach the right balance.

“We do not care about what other say, we need to do well on the pitch. Judgements can change quickly in football.”

Zlatan Ibrahimovic was involved in a spat with Inter’s Romelu Lukaku during the Coppa Italia derby earlier this week and picked up a red card too. How did he react?

“He is sorry for the red card, but he is ready and determined for tomorrow’s game.”

“What happened it’s not nice, I don’t justify him, but these things can happen. Ibra is certainly not a racist, now it’s time to stop talking about this. He’s always been in first row to fight discriminations."

The coach did also provide injury updates.

“Bennacer is feeling better, but he’s been out of action for long time. He will travel with the team, but I doubt he will start.

“Mandzukic twisted his ankle against Atalanta, now he is feeling better, yesterday he trained with the team, if he will have no problems during today’s training he will receive a call-up for the game.

“Brahim Diaz picked up a muscle injury, we hope he can return to action soon, because we have a packed fixture list and we need as many players as possible.

“I hope Kjaer will soon return to action too, I need many available over the next few weeks.”