Pioli: ‘Calhanoglu will start, Donnarumma…’

Stefano Pioli confirms Hakan Calhanoglu will start against Spezia tomorrow and gives his verdict on Gigio Donnarumma’s contract extension.

The Rossoneri face Spezia tomorrow. It kicks off at 19.45 at the Stadio Alberto Picco.

“We are prepare and determined, Spezia created trouble for us in the reverse fixture and beat Roma and Napoli,” Pioli said at a press conference.

“It was a good week, everyone is available apart from Diaz and Maldini. We are only focused on tomorrow’s game.

Stefano Pioli confirms Hakan Calhanoglu will start against Spezia tomorrow and gives his verdict on Gigio Donnarumma’s contract extension.

The Rossoneri face Spezia tomorrow. It kicks off at 19.45 at the Stadio Alberto Picco.

“We are prepare and determined, Spezia created trouble for us in the reverse fixture and beat Roma and Napoli,” Pioli said at a press conference.

“It was a good week, everyone is available apart from Diaz and Maldini. We are only focused on tomorrow’s game.

“Calhanoglu will start, either Rebic or Leao will play on the left,” Pioli revealed.

“We’ll see what will happen, we want to get to the end of the season without regrets.

"There are still many things to improve. With Crotone we didn’t start well and should have killed the game earlier," the coach continued.

“We have ample room for improvement, we must raise our level because expectations are now high."

Is he concerned about the contract extensions of Calhanoglu, Donnarummaand Zlatan Ibrahimovic?

"The club has already had its say. We are confident to continue together. The boys are focused on the work, they are serene and have a great desire to do well.

“The club is building something important, we want to get the most out of this season".

Ivan Gazidis praised the coach earlier this week.

“We have a good relationship, it has improved with time. I am in sync with him and the rest of the club. We are all going towards the same direction, we want to bring Milan back to the top.”