Super-agent Rafaela Pimenta opened up about how she negotiates transfers, the dehumanisation of players in the modern footballing landscape and the subtleties of contract clauses.

Pimenta took over from long-time collaborator Mino Raiola after his death in 2022, inheriting his clients and stepping into his boots in the transfer market. She has continued to maintain a strong presence for her clients, representing stars like Erling Haaland, Matthijs de Ligt and Paul Pogba.

The super-agent has continued to provide updates regarding Pogba’s situation following his failed doping test and was involved in Lazar Samardzic’s failed transfer from Udinese to Inter in the summer.

Speaking at the Social Football Summit in Rome via TMW, Pimenta first discussed the process of negotiating a player transfer.

“The first question to ask is: do you need him? Because if one is in the rain then an umbrella will have value, if it’s not raining an umbrella is worth very little.

“I give a lot of value to the numbers because they help us understand the trends, which then serve to understand how to ‘play’ with them. But I’d also add another variable in negotiations: that of the footballer. What type he is, how much he eats, what he wants. Added to this is the data.”

She was asked if players ever look up their market value.

“No. I’ve never met a player who looked it up.”

The super-agent spoke about the dehumanisation of players in the modern footballing landscape.

“I find it very interesting to hear about players as assets. In my opinion it’s a bit of an insult because a player is a friend, a person I know. It’s as if I said: ‘your wife is an asset’.

“A footballer today must accept this dehumanisation because otherwise the system cannot be supported.

“I understand everything but there must always be a way for a player to get out of a contract. But not for free, there must be a discussion with agents on this.”

She was asked if she ever thought a player was paid too little.

“Yes, of course. Sometimes because maybe a clause is put in place. Many times, the player’s will dictates things and puts pressure on the clubs to find solutions. And this sometimes makes the clubs angry.”

Finally, Pimenta discussed the differences between market value and transfer fees.

“You have to give a price when there is a negotiation, but I agree with Mino. Because someone like Haaland can be worth €1 billion if we consider everything that will revolve around him and his career. Which doesn’t mean that that will be the price of a deal.”

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