Pesaro apologise for Ferrero claims

Vis Pesaro have released a statement apologising for claims by their co-President that his Sampdoria counterpart “counts for nothing”.

The Serie C side are effectively a feeder club for the Blucerchiati, but Roberto Bizzotto said today that Massimo Ferrero is little more than a figurehead, who doesn’t invest any money.

This afternoon his club has officially responded, repudiating his comments.

Vis Pesaro have released a statement apologising for claims by their co-President that his Sampdoria counterpart “counts for nothing”.

The Serie C side are effectively a feeder club for the Blucerchiati, but Roberto Bizzotto said today that Massimo Ferrero is little more than a figurehead, who doesn’t invest any money.

This afternoon his club has officially responded, repudiating his comments.

“Vis Pesaro announces that the things declared by Roberto Bizzotto DOES NOT IN ANY WAY represent the thoughts of the ownership or the Vis Pesaro executives,” a statement reads.

“In this regard, an extraordinary meeting of the board of directors was called to assess what was said and the appropriate response.

“President Marco Ferri reiterates that the technical partnership with Sampdoria was born on merit, and thanks to the excellent relationship with President Massimo Ferrero, and is deeply sorry for what happened.”