Pereyra to complete Juve move

Frederik Sorensen looks unlikely to move to Udinese” data-scaytid=”2″>Udinese, but Roberto Pereyra is expected to today complete his move to Juventus” data-scaytid=”4″>Juventus.

Frederik Sorensen looks unlikely to move to Udinese, but Roberto Pereyra is expected to today complete his move to Juventus.

The Argentine midfielder was in Turin yesterday to undergo medical tests, as the Bianconeri and Zebrette apparently reached agreement on his transfer.

Whilst he did not join training with his new teammates yesterday afternoon or put pen to paper on his Juve contract as previously expected, the 23-year-old is today expected to do both.

Meanwhile, reports are that defender Sorensen is unlikely to be included in the deal, apparently turning down the option.

Whilst rated at €3.5m, Juventus will reportedly make up the deficit to Udinese in bonus payments due on Pereyra.