Pellegri: Focus only on Genoa

Teenager Pietro Pellegri insists he is “completely focused” on Genoa and ignoring any interest from other clubs.

Inter, Juventus, Roma and Milan have all been credited with interest in Pellegri, as well as teammate Eddy Salcedo, but the 16-year-old made it clear was not thinking about a move away.

“Salcedo and I have known each other since we were children, we’re two great teammates and two great friends,” the forward told Il Secolo XIX.

Teenager Pietro Pellegri insists he is “completely focused” on Genoa and ignoring any interest from other clubs.

Inter, Juventus, Roma and Milan have all been credited with interest in Pellegri, as well as teammate Eddy Salcedo, but the 16-year-old made it clear was not thinking about a move away.

“Salcedo and I have known each other since we were children, we’re two great teammates and two great friends,” the forward told Il Secolo XIX.

“We’re very close to each other. He’s inspired by Neymar, he’s his idol. The Grifone turned my dream into reality, they turned me from a child into a footballer.

“They’ll always stay in my thoughts and heart. The future? Today I’m completely focused on Genoa and if someone wants me, I’ll use that as a stimulus to do better.

“I understand that I have to give my best, without thinking about anything else.”