‘Pellegri big loss for Italian football’

Genoa’s sporting director is confident Pietro Pellegri will “find space in a big team” like Monaco but admits “it’s a loss for all of Italian football”.

Pellegri defied his 16 years last weekend as he joined Monaco for €25m, and Giorgio Perinetti confessed the offer was too good for Genoa to refuse, while suggesting Juventus were the only Italian club able to compete for the attacker’s signature.

Genoa’s sporting director is confident Pietro Pellegri will “find space in a big team” like Monaco but admits “it’s a loss for all of Italian football”.

Pellegri defied his 16 years last weekend as he joined Monaco for €25m, and Giorgio Perinetti confessed the offer was too good for Genoa to refuse, while suggesting Juventus were the only Italian club able to compete for the attacker’s signature.

“The figures in the Pellegri deal are sensational, but the market in general is uncontrollably going in this direction,” he told RMC Sport.

“We’re sorry to lose a player like him, who was raised by our youth academy, is Genoese and also a Genoa fan. I think he wanted to be an idol here…

“Still, he was more than willing to join Monaco because even a young lad like him can find space in a big team, who are aiming for cups and titles.

“Unfortunately it’s a loss for all of Italian football that [an Italian club] couldn’t make certain investments for a young and talented player like Pellegri.

“Maybe only Juventus could have but, faced with certain figures, they didn’t want to, giving the green light to Monaco.”