Pastore shares Messi philosophy

Palermo starlet Javier Pastore says he is pleased to share the same football philosophy as Barcelona's Ballon d'Or winner Lionel Messi.

The 21-year-old Argentine is a big admirer of Messi and would like to play alongside him at the Camp Nou one day in the future.

In the meantime, however, Pastore is focusing on his football with Palermo where he has just signed a new long-term contract.

Palermo starlet Javier Pastore says he is pleased to share the same football philosophy as Barcelona's Ballon d'Or winner Lionel Messi.

The 21-year-old Argentine is a big admirer of Messi and would like to play alongside him at the Camp Nou one day in the future.

In the meantime, however, Pastore is focusing on his football with Palermo where he has just signed a new long-term contract.

Interviewed on FIFA's official website, he said: "I'm pleased to share Lionel's footballing philosophy. But what's really fun is playing alongside him [for Argentina].

"We're similar off the pitch in that we're both shy, but we change once we're out on the pitch.

"He's the best player in the world and the best person too. When you play with him it's like having five teammates alongside you.

"He's a different kind of player, he'll pull off a move or play you the ball when your opponent least expects it.

"The Palermo President likes and really values me, but there's only one Leo and he's the best in the world.

"I just try to play my game as well as I possibly can."