Palermo star Javier Pastore has confirmed that he'd like to join one of the Milan clubs this summer.

Speaking to La Gazzetta dello Sport, the Argentine international confirmed his desire to remain in the Italian championship.

Palermo star Javier Pastore has confirmed that he'd like to join one of the Milan clubs this summer.

Speaking to La Gazzetta dello Sport, the Argentine international confirmed his desire to remain in the Italian championship.

"If possible, I'd like to stay in Italy," he stated. "I like the climate in Serie A and I wouldn't want to start from scratch in a new footballing reality.

"I like Milan," he added. "They have won the Scudetto. And there is also Inter. My agent is talking to four or five clubs.

"Roma? I have spoken about them with my friend Nicolas Burdisso, but I don't think they are an option for me right now."

Pastore's words do seem to contradict those of his agent, who has stated that he's not been in contact with either of the San Siro outfits.

While the player's destination remains a mystery, his exit from the Stadio Barbera seems almost certain.

"I think I can safely say that I won't be playing for Palermo next season," added the midfielder.

"It won't be easy to break the umbilical cord. I consider President Maurizio Zamparini to be like a father.

"Palermo have changed my life and I hope to always be a friend to them."

Palermo want around €50m for the 22-year-old. He cost them €19m two years ago.

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