Parma to change ownership?

Parma have called a surprise Press conference for 12.30 Italian time, where it could be announced that the club has again been sold.

The event has been called by the members of Nuovo Inizio, the seven people who refounded the club as Parma Calcio 1913 when they went bankrupt in 2015.

Those seven founders still retain 30 per cent ownership of the club, with the majority stake controlled by Chinese investors Desports Group.

Parma have called a surprise Press conference for 12.30 Italian time, where it could be announced that the club has again been sold.

The event has been called by the members of Nuovo Inizio, the seven people who refounded the club as Parma Calcio 1913 when they went bankrupt in 2015.

Those seven founders still retain 30 per cent ownership of the club, with the majority stake controlled by Chinese investors Desports Group.

There have been rumours for months that Pietro Pizzarotti, who owns a local civil engineering business, is keen to buy out the Chinese.

If confirmed this would be the third change of ownership in just three-and-a-half years, or the sixth if one counts the final season before the bankruptcy.