‘Parma sale decision confusing’

Former Parma President Fabio Giordano questions Rezart Taci’s decision to sell, and intends to distance himself 'as soon as possible' from the club.

The Ducali were purchased by a consortium led by Taci in December, but the club confirmed today that the Albanian businessman has sold them to an Italian consortium currently represented by Fiorenzo Alborghetti.

Former Parma President Fabio Giordano questions Rezart Taci’s decision to sell, and intends to distance himself 'as soon as possible' from the club.

The Ducali were purchased by a consortium led by Taci in December, but the club confirmed today that the Albanian businessman has sold them to an Italian consortium currently represented by Fiorenzo Alborghetti.

Lawyer and former club President Giordano, who curated the legal aspects of the original transfer from Tommaso Ghirardi to Taci, corroborated news of the sale and gave some details about the new buyers.

“I can confirm that Parma were sold yesterday evening to an Italian club with interests abroad,” he said in an interview with ParmaLive.com.

“I was told in person by Mr Taci. The contract was signed yesterday near Piacenza, which makes me think there's a group from northern Italy behind it, but that's just my supposition.

“Apparently they intend to reveal themselves only after the first few payments.

“I would rule out fanciful foreign owners, but also major local ones like Barilla and Pizzarotti.

“I must confess that it was a surprising choice for me and my firm. We were offered to handle the legal side, an offer which we'll have to decline now.

“On top of it, this news comes to us just after the board of directors told us that our industrial plan was perfect.

“We intend to distance ourselves from Parma Calcio as soon as possible and I can tell you that we would never have taken part in this kind of speculation if we'd known about it in advance.”

Giordano was also asked the reasons behind Taci's decision.

“Some of the figures didn't seem right to him. I performed the revision and frankly my figures were not like Taci's, but also not like Ghirardi's.

“I think that with €30m this club could comfortably have been rebooted. A board of directors had been formed that had few equals in Italy, so I find this choice confusing.

“I hope for the good of Parma and all of its employees that the new owners have more serious plans.

“At this point I think that Serie A is impossible, but surviving in Serie B would be important.

“Without this new sale I think the club would have declared bankruptcy. For my own part I'd like to clarify that, with regards, to my presence at the stadium, we had no need for visibility.”